Tonight we meet Shayna Poto of Pivot City Basketball Club!
What year was your club established?
Established in 1950.
Is there a back story to why the club was established?
The club was established by Rawson, Stacey, Chandler and Dandy families using the Pivot City name in conjunction with local women’s softball team.
How long have you been your Club’s President?
2 years.
What drove you to be a Club President?
I’ve always been considered a leader and believed the clubs values were fantastic it just needed some youth and to bring some youthful innovation with social media and technology. I love giving back to the community, especially as a child i grew up with my father being president of a club in QLD. I don’t know anything but Basketball so if I can give back in a sport I’ve loved my entire life, and still stay heavily involved in other aspects like coaching and being involved in the committee. I also believe there should be more females, it still is very male dominant especially when you go to the presidents meetings. Hopefully me being a president encourages younger females to also give back, I also don’t have children so that helps.
What do you love about Basketball?
Basketball has been my sport for years, playing all over the world with it and now that I’m retired I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed coaching and being a part of a community like Pivot City.