All Abilities FAQ’s
You should all have received an invite through PlayHQ for your club to be part of the Winter 2024 All Abilities Competition. Below are some of the questions I’ve had and their answers:
What night do they play?
The games will continue to be on a Friday night.
What time are the games?
The games start at 5.30pm with the venue been open 30 minutes beforehand.
What venue will they play at?
Games will be played at both The Arena and AWA
What do Coaches and Team Managers need to do?
Coaches – substitute the team as needed, provide instruction and encouragement and assist with emotional regulations.
TMs – help players write on their game ticket/card, get ice and help with emotions.
What does it cost?
Team entry is currently at no cost to the club
Basketball Victoria has provided vouchers (please email me for the codes for new players as it is yearly)
Basketball Australia has a $5.50 fee
GUB has a discounted cost of $35.35 (if the athlete plays in another GUB competition they can contact me for a voucher so that they don’t pay twice)
It is up to individual clubs if they will have a club fee
How does game day work?
Tickets can be purchased at the door or pre-paid tickets can be ordered online beforehand.
Are there modified rules?
We are flexible with the rules, encouraging of every player to be given a chance to dribble and shoot.
Players can wear a high vis top over their singlet to let others know that they don’t like been touched
Support workers are welcome on the bench and court
Coaches can go onto the court to assist players as needed
Will there be multiple divisions?
This season we would love to do that, but it all depends on the number of teams entered.
Either way we will have a grading period for clubs/teams to adjust player numbers and decide if we do split into two divisions.
As mentioned previously, if your club is thinking about entering, please reach out to Luke and I for players.